Thursday, March 20, 2008

Get your tap shoes Frances: Jenni Spitulnik is posting a blog!

"Why?" You may be asking yourself. "Why does Jenni feel the need to add her voice to the already cacophonous babble?" Well, why not? I'll be posting stuff that I'm glad to know about that you might be interested in too. Stuff that might otherwise slip under the radar (like the "q" in apple). Stuff like:
  • My research;
  • Relevant news and miscellania;
  • Irrelevant but nonetheless interesting news and miscellania;
  • Notable personal, professional, and family updates;
  • An eclectic sampling of the fun to be had on the internet and out in the world;
  • Oh, and, um, probably the occasional picture of my cat.
By way of further introduction to this blog, I am a first year master's candidate in folklore, specializing in the performance of identity, and my research interests include performance, LGBTQ folklore, gender and sexuality, personal narrative, identity construction, family folklore, and folk speech. I also really, really, really love musicals.

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